The Commandments of the US Constitution (long form)
The Principles of the Constitution
- We shall not have a tyrannical government
- government shall not have unlimited power
- government power shall be dispersed to prevent its accumulation; the different parts shall provide “checks” on the others
- individuals shall not be able to leverage the power of government for long
- individuals who violate the public trust can be removed from office
- the power of the government shall be limited to specified areas
- many personal rights will be specified so as to also restrict government power from infringing them
- Each of us shall have rights the government can’t take away
- no one has special rights
- one person's rights can’t be used to infringe on others rights
- people can believe in any religion or none; therefore no one can be forced to belong to any religion
- no one can be held in slavery or involuntary servitude
- all citizens have the right to vote
- a small, enumerated set of national emergency situations permit suspending specifically listed constitutional rights, but in no other circumstances and for no other rights
- No religion or religious sect gets government preference over another
- government can't require any person to be of a religion
- government can’t require a religious test, nor require god's name, for an oath of office
- None of us can be unjustly deprived of life, liberty or property
- no one can be spied on, be arrested or have there property taken with showing probable cause beforehand
- any imprisoned person can challenge the reason why they are being held in court
- any accused person get their day in court in a timely manner, a fair chance to defend themselves and be judged by their peers rather than the government
- Each of us can say what they believe, including especially about the government
- people can get together and say what they believe
- people can publish what they believe
- We shall have a representative government so it can be changed and its power checked
- some parts will be more representative than others
- some parts will be more quickly responsive to the people than others
- all citizens of a certain age can vote; there shall be no discrimination between different classes of citizens
- We shall have a nation governed by the rule of law
- no one is above the law
- the law applies equally to everyone
- All laws and government actions must conform to the US Constitution, which is the ultimate authority
- new laws under the US Constitution can be created by the Congress & President
- treaties with other countries can be agreed by the Senate & President, but once approved have the same force as the US Constitution
- all state constitutions and laws are subject to the US Constitution
- powers not enumerated in the US Constitution devolve to states or the People
- the Supreme Court is the final arbiter of all disputes about the constitutionality of laws or actions, including by the President or between the branches of government or between a citizen or state and the government or any of its branches
- the constitution can be amended, but the process isn't easy to ensure broad acceptance
- The nation can defend itself, fight wars and provide for a military
- the government can raise and sustain armies, including in peacetime
- money shall only be allocated for limited time, by the Congress
- the President will be head of the military
- the Congress can limit by regulation how the military can do things and what things it can do, including the President as head of the military
- We can tax ourselves and regulate interstate commerce
- The federal government shall be our voice in foreign relations
These do not look anything like the Judeoo-Christian 10 Commandments, about which I've remarked here.